kid stuff


Hello friend. Luke here. It’s been awhile, eh? Have you ever taken a really long break from the gym? You want to get back to it, but that first time back is always the hardest. But once you do it, the subsequent times become easier? That’s kinda what this. It’s been a long time since… Continue reading Hello.

Kauai Favorites, kid stuff

winter camping and sick babies

I welcomed Jude's winter break with open arms!  A chance to sleep in a little and not have to worry about packing school lunches for a few weeks is my idea of a good time these days...winter break also means anything goes so we planned a quick camp trip to Polihale.  The weather is unpredictable… Continue reading winter camping and sick babies

kid stuff

The whole life challenge and some potty training too

Luke and I started the Whole Life Challenge together with our Crossfit gym a few weeks back.  It's exactly what I've been needing to give myself a jumpstart into healthy eating and lifestyle habits.  I've struggled with balancing a regular fitness routine and preparing healthy home cooked meals  (can anyone say TAKE OUT?) while raising… Continue reading The whole life challenge and some potty training too